These stories are shared for educational purposes only and are not intended to discuss or imply any information about investigational therapies not approved by the FDA and where safety and efficacy have not been established. Any questions regarding a medical condition, treatment, or decisions regarding whether to participate in a clinical trial should always be directed to a healthcare professional. Each person’s individual results and situation will vary.
Patient Community Stories
Patients are why we’re here—these are a few of their stories.
Huntington’s Disease
Huntington’s Disease Community Advocate
Ashley’s father was diagnosed with Huntington’s disease when she was 15 years old; she and her brother became their dad’s primary caregivers as his symptoms progressed. She remembers finding very little information online at the time about HD and support for caregivers. She shares her story as an HD advocate to help others struggling with the challenges facing HD families. “I personally can’t find a treatment and I can’t find a cure – but I have a voice, and I realized that I have the ability to help people in another way.”
Learn more about their Ashley’s experience as a caregiver below.
Huntington’s Disease Community Advocate
Jesse learned that HD is in her family when her father was diagnosed with the disease and took action, turning her concern and energy into advocacy. Today, she advocated for the HD community and has served as president of her local chapter of the Huntington’s Disease Society of America. Her goal: greater support for HD families and, ultimately, a cure.
Charles & Jessi
Huntington’s Disease Community Advocates
As an inherited disease, Huntington’s disease (HD) can have a profound effect on families. When Charles when diagnosed with HD, he and his wife Jessi made the decision to become active in the community and to do whatever they can to help raise awareness and move research forward. “Every little bit helps,” says Charles. “Keep holding on to hope and hopefully we can get some treatments soon.” You can learn more about their family’s experience below.
Hemophilia B
Hemophilia B Clinical Trial Participant
Rob always felt hemophilia B was like a big, dark cloud hanging over him. A married father of two adorable daughters, he enjoys an active life that includes doing home improvement work, one of his favorite hobbies.
Hemophilia B Clinical Trial Participant
Ron was one of the first participants in our EtranaDez clinical trial in hemophilia B—and one of the early patients to be dosed with any gene therapy for this disease. He hits the gym often, lifting weights and doing other strength-training exercises.